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Newsletter 30/ Newsletter 30-2

Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, and Tyndall, among others, worked in Royal Institution; Faraday began Friday Evening Discourses and Christmas Lectures.

The Royal Institution of Great Britain

[Picture, Royal Institution]

John Tyndall (1820-1890)

[Photo, Royal Institution]


Left: Two figures of Embryo. Which is human? [picture from Descent of Man, pt. i]

Top: Two kinds of Chameleon, male (above) and female [picture from Descent of Man, pt. ii]

Right bottom: Male Peacock [picture from 『ザ・サイエンス・ヴィジュアル 6』東京書籍、1993、37] back


Soshichi Uchii

Last modified February 14, 2000