ユーラシア古語文献叢書 2 (Studies in Old Eurasian Languages 2)

Studies in Anatolian and Indo-European Historical Linguistics

Kazuhiko Yoshida
(吉田 和彦 著)
2004年3月発行 非売品
B5版 本文280ページ


I. Anatolian Studies

1. The Present Mediopassive Endings -tati and -uaštati in Hittite
2. On the Prehistory of Word-final -r in Anatolian
3. Reconstruction of Anatolian Verbal Endings: the Third Person Plural Preterites
4. Notes on the Prehistory of Preterite Verbal Endings in Anatolian
5. A Further Remarks on the Hittite Verbal Endings 1 pl. -uani and 2 pl. -tani
6. Some Remarks on the Hittite Active Verb System
7. Assibilation in Hittite
8. Assibilation in Hittite and Related Problems
9. Hittite nu-za and Related Spellings
10. Observations on Some Cuneiform Spellings: Epithetic or Graphic?

II. Indo-European Studies

11. Problems in the Mediopassive Endings of Indo-European
12. Another Acrostatic Noun in Indo-European
13. Word Order and Word Order Change in the Older Germanic Languages
14. A Typological Parallel between Latin and Old Church Slavic
15. Palatalization in Old Irish Deponent and Passive Endings
16. Final Syllables in Germanic and Balto-Slavic: A New Proposal
Index of Forms Cited
