Towards a Center of Excellence for the Study of Humanities in the Age of Globalization | Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University |
Historical Structure of Creation and Development of the Humanities in Europe |
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■ Event News KYOTO - CAMBRIDGE International Symposium
Integrating the Humanities: The Roles of Classics and Philosophy
Monday 25 September, 2006
→IHRCP 2006Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge 1st International Symposium Continuity and Change of the Humanism in the Modern Europe ―― Political Culture, Classical Studies and University ―― The First International Symposium for the Study of Historical Structure of the Creation and Development of the Humanities in Europe Time & Date: 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Sunday, 6 March, 2005 Place: Lecture Room No.3, New Buildings of the Graduate School of Letters Kyoto University, KYOTO, JAPAN Program → Prospectus Opening Address: Takashi Minamikawa (Kyoto University) Presentation 1: Edward Opalinski (Polish Academy of Sciences, the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Poland) : The Significance of Classical Education for Political Culture in Poland during the Sixteenth-Seventeenth Century Presentation 2: Toshimi Morimura (Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo) : Antiquity as Lesson: Does Commercial Prosperity lead to the Ruin of Nations? Comment: Taku Minagawa (Waseda University, Tokyo) Lunch Time Presentation 3: Werner Eck (University of Cologne(Universität zu Köln), Germany) : Die Entwicklung der Alten Geschichte in Deutschland seit dem 19. Jh. im kulturellen und politischen Kontext (The Development of Ancient History in Germany since the 19th Century, in Its Cultural and Political Context) Presentation 4: Yasunori Kasai (Niigata University, Niigata) : Classics under Competition: the Case for Balliol College Oxford Comment: Asako Kurihara (Osaka University, Osaka) Short Break Points under discussion: Satoshi Koyama (Kyoto University) General Discussion Chairman: Yoshihisa Hattori (Kyoto University) Closing Address: Yoshihisa Hattori Reception: cafe restaurant Camphora, Kyoto University (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.) ■ Recent Updates 21/09/2006 Kyoto-Cambridge International Symposium (25/09/2006) and Member 15/12/2004 First International Symposium (06/03/2005) |
21th-century COE Program Towards a Center of Excellence for the Study of Humanities in the Age of Globalization 13th Research Group Historical Structure of Creation and Development of the Humanities in Europe |
Contact Address Dept. of European History, Graduate School of Letters Kyoto University, Kyoto-city, 606-8501, Japan Tel & Fax: 075-753-2791 |