Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies (Haneda Memorial Hall) – Graduate School of Letters / Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University Wed, 18 Oct 2023 08:05:12 +0000 ja hourly 1 The Annual Meeting of the Consortium for the Studies of the Eurasian Languages Thu, 05 Mar 2015 03:03:54 +0000 The Annual Meeting of the Consortium for the Studies of the Eurasian Languages will be held on March 30, 2017 at the Center.
This meeting is open to anyone, but please contact us beforehand as seating is limited.

11:10-11:15 Opening: Setsu Fujishiro
11:15-13:30 Session 1 Chair: Tomoyuki Kubo
1. Emiko HAYATSU  “Classification of Japanese Verbs: transitive/intransitive vs. volitional/non-volitional”
2. Esra KIRA “Issues on Turkish participle”
3. Fuyuki EBATA “A preliminary study on Tyvan reflexive”
4. Hideo SAWADA “A preliminary report on Gyannoq, a Northern-Burmish patois in Kachin State”
5. Hiromi KAJI ”Irregularity in Ewen Morphology”
6. Hiromi YOSHIDA “A progress report on the accent system of nouns in Azpeitia Basque”
7. Hiroyuki UMETANI “A note on some criteria for identifying clitics/non-independent words”
8. Kazuki AOYAMA “The plural suffix in Azerbaijani”
9. Kentaro SUGANUMA “A preliminary study on the Modern Uyghur umlaut”
(13:30-13:45 a break)
13:45-15:45 Session 2 Chair: Yuu Kuribayashi
10. Kumiko SATO “A note on Compounding Marker -(s)i and Noun Modification in Turkish”
11. Masahiro OKU “Loan words in North Caucasus Turkmen from social linguistics perspective: A primary report”
12. Masayoshi KAKUDO “Subordinate subject marker of Shrongol Mongolic and Dagur”
13. Mutsumi SUGAHARA “Vowel length and metrical system in the Turkic poetry”
14. Naoki UETA “Overlap between the long and short vowel duration in Khalkha Mongolian”
15. Nazgul SHAMSHIEVA “An Analysis of the Meaning and Usage of the Verb bol- in Kyrgyz”
16. Norikazu KOGURA “Temporality and modality of the auxiliary o- in Sibe”
17. Noriko OHSAKI  “Two questions on the auxiliary verb kal- in Kyrgyz”
(15:45-16:00 a break)
16:00-17:45 Session 3 Chair: Hiromi Yoshida
18. Ryo MATSUMOTO “Phonetic realization of glottal stops in Nenets”
19. Ryo UMEDA “The causative-inchoative alternation in North Saami: a contrastive analysis of Finnish and North Saami”
20. Setsu FUJISHIRO “Again on the issue of r and l : languages in Siberia and Russian”
21. Shinjiro KAZAMA “On the relation between case-marking and locational expressions from the typological viewpoint”
22. Shinsuke HIDAKA “An asymmetry property of subordinate clauses in Uzbek”
23. Suzushi HAYATA “A Preliminary Study of the Sounds of Shunzhi Period Manchu”
24. Teruhiro HAYATA “A short history of Manchu words for ‘boat’: borrowed and native, assimilative and orthographic”
(17:45-18:00 a break)
18:00-19:55 Session 4 Chair: Ryo Matsumoto
25. Tetsuya KAWASUMI “Datong Dialects of Chinese and “Negotiation””
26. Tomoyuki KUBO “Possessive construction in Sibe and Khorchin Mongol”
27. Tooru HAYASI “Language choice and the motivations behind it: a case of Turkish-German bilingual students at Berlin secondary schools”
28. Yasuhiro KISHIDA “A look at the the Japanese case marker ‘ga’ through the perspective of partitive and eargative cases”
29. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI “Inflectional clitics derived from *a- in Buryat”
30. Yohei YAMADA “Predicative Personal Endings in Dagur and Middle Mongol”
31. Yuu KURIBAYASHI “Quantifier float in Turkish”
Closing comments: Tooru Hayasi

A Meeting Party 20:00- Fee: 2,000 yen (Students 1,000 yen)

Program(pdf) download

Contact to: Noriko Ohsaki at the Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies, Tel: +81-491-6027, E-mail: eurasia-haneda(at-mark)

International Workshop on Pre-Modern Kashmir 2018 Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:46:11 +0000 International Workshop on Pre-Modern Kashmir 2018

Date: March 5–6, 2018

Venue: Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies, Kyoto University,

Organizers: Satoshi OGURA, Akane SAITO

Sponsorship: JSPS KAKENHI (17H02399, Principal Investigator: Kozo ITANI; 15H03156, Principal Investigator: Yuko YOKOCHI), and the Center for the Study of Contemporary India, Ryukoku University

Day 1, March 5 (Mon)

10:00–10:05 Kozo ITANI (Director of the Center for Eurasian
Cultural Studies, Kyoto University): Opening address.

10:05–10:15 Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign
Studies): Introduction.

10:15–11:15 Raffaele TORELLA (Sapienza University of Roma):
Abhinavagupta and the aesthetics of liberation.

11:15–11:55 Yohei KAWAJIRI (Chikushi Jogakuen University):
Pratyabhijñā Philosophy: Kashmir and South India.

11:55–12:35 Somdev VASUDEVA (Kyoto University): TBA

14:00–14:40 Yuki TOMONARI (The Nakamura Hajime Eastern
Institute): Extended Notion of śiṣṭa in Bhaṭṭa Jayanta’s

14:40–15:20 Akane SAITO (JSPS/Kyushu University): The Essence of
Speech as the Highest Reality in Medieval Kashmir.

15:40–16:20 Satoshi NAIKI (Kyoto University): Geographical
differences in Material Cultures in North-west India.

16:20–17:00 Keisuke NAGATA (Independent researcher): Towards a
New Critical Edition of the Nīlamata – Report on the recensions
and grouping of manuscripts –.

17:00–17:40 Maho SHIBASAKI (The Nakamura Hajime Eastern
Institute): Chakravartins in the Kashmirian Bṛhatkathā.

Day 2, March 6 (Tue)

10:00–11:00 Sunil SHARMA (Boston University): In the Shadow of
the Mughal Court: Mulla Tughra’s Travels to Kashmir.

11:00–11:40 Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign
Studies): Kalhaṇa’s ‘victory’ over Rashīd al-Dīn: contesting
pre-Islamic histories of Kashmir during the Jahāngīr period.

11:40–12:20 Haruo INOUE (Kyoto University): The Fusion of Music
Theories observed in the Tarāna-yi Surūr.

14:00–14:40 Kazuho YAMASAKI (The Nakamura Hajime Eastern
Institute): On Ornaments of Speech in Kṣemendra’s

14:40–15:20 Yuko YOKOCHI (Kyoto University): The Kapphiṇābhyudaya
and the Śiśupālavadha.

15:40–16:20 Luther OBROCK (University of Toronto): Sufi
Theologies in Śaiva Cosmologies: Translating Creation and
Liberation in Sultanate Kashmir.

16:20–17:00 Alessandro BATTISTINI (Kyoto University): Citrakāvya
in the land of Śāradā: the fifth chapter of Rudraṭa’s
Kāvyālaṃkāra and its relation to contemporary Kashmiri poetry.

17:00–17:10 Akane SAITO (JSPS/Kyushu University): Closing remarks

Contact: Satoshi Ogura (ogura(at-mark)

The 90th Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-Annual Lecture Meeting Mon, 03 Nov 2014 03:13:10 +0000
The meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting.
Those wishing to join the meeting will need to submit their information at Google form no later than November 14 (Tue.).

Date: November 25, 2023 (Sat.) 14:00 – 16:00
Place: Haneda Memorial Hall
   13, Omiya Minamitajiri-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8832
   Tel: +81-75-491-6027

14:00- Opening Isogai, Kenichi (Kyoto University)
Old Uigur Socio-Economic Documents: Research Trends and Prospects 
MATSUI, Dai (Professor, Osaka University)
15:05-15:15 A Break
15:15-16:00 A question and answer session

The flyer is available here.

Recent Activities Tue, 05 Aug 2014 04:43:39 +0000
  • The 81st Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting
  • was held on Dec 8, 2018 at the Center.
     “The Formation and Development of Music Genre in the Republic of Turkey”
    Mitsuru SAITO(Professor, Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University)
     Chairperson: Kozo Itani(Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)
    “Meiji Japan seen from IranianTtravelers’ Viewpoints”
    Takashi Kuroda (Professor, Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University)
     Chairperson: Toru Onozawa(Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)

    • The Workshop on Manchu Tripitaka and Written Manchu
    • was held from July 30 to Aug. 3, 2018 at the Center.

      • The 80th Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting
      • was held on June 30, 2018 at the Center.
        Part 1
         On the Middle Turkic translations from Persian Sources
        Mutsumi SUGAHARA
        (Professor, Institute of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
        Chairperson: Setsu FUJISHIRO
        (Professor, Department of Human Studies, Kobe City College of Nursing)
        Part 2
        Daśakarmapathāvadānamālā  Central Asian Collection of Buddhist Tales New results from research of the St. Petersburg fragments
        Peter ZIEME
        (Prof. Dr., Toyo Bunko and Freie Universität Berlin)
        Chairperson: Tooru HAYASI
        (Specially Appointed Professor, The Open University of Japan)

      • The Annual Meeting of the Consortium for the Studies of the Eurasian Languages 2018, “The Latest Reports on the Studies of the Eurasian Languages,”was held on March 29, 2018, at the Center.

      • Dr. Pavel B. Lurye Special Lecture Meeting was held on March 20, 2018 at the Center.
      • International Workshop on pre-Modern Kashmir 2018 was held on March 5 and 6, 2018 at the Center.
      • The 79th Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting was held on December 2nd, 2017 at the Center.

      Part 1
       Converts or Jadid al-Islam in Early Modern West Asia.
      Tomoko MORIKAWA(Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo)
      Chairperson: Shinya SHIONOZAKI(Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University)

      Part 2
      The Manchu Pentaglot Dictionary (Wi-ti Qing-wen-jian) and the Written Mongolian Language.
      Hitoshi KURIBAYASHI (Emeritus Professor, Tohoku University)

      Chairperson: Takashi MATSUKAWA(Professor, Faculty of Letters, Otani University)

      • The Fourth Course on Japanese Language and Culture for Students of Samuel B. Linde College of Modern Language (Poznan, Poland) was held at the Center.

        Fourteen classes were given between July 19th and August 9th.
        The course has been held since 2010.

      • Written Manchu Summer Course 2017 was held from July 31 to August 4, 2017 at the Center.

      • The 78th Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting was held on July 1, 2017 at the Center.

        Recent Discoveries Relating to Syriac Christianity in China and Neighbouring Areas
                Hidemi TAKAHASHI (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
      Chairperson: Yutaka YOSHIDA (Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)

        Some remarks on the early Mongol Empire: Chinggis Khan, Keshig, and Muslim merchant  

      Nobuhiro UNO (Professor, The Faculty of Human Environmental Studies, Hiroshima Shudo University)
      Chairperson: Kazuaki TSUTSUMI (Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University)

      • Professor John Woods Special Lecture Meeting was held on May 12, 2017 at the Center.

      Framing the Timurid Aristocratic Order
      Professor John WOODS (Chicago University)

      • Professor Warren Schultz Special Lecture Meeting was held on April 22, 2017 at the Center.

      The Matter of Mamluk Copper Coins in the Year 806 H:  A New Look
      Professor Warren Schultz (DePaul University)

      • The 77th Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting was held on December 17, 2016 at the Center.

      [Part 1] The so-called ‘Portuguese’ of the Coromandel Coast and Early Madras
      Ikuko WADA (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Okayama University)
      Chairperson: Masaki SUGIYAMA (Assistant Researcher, Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)

      [Part 2] The Madrasas in Damascus under the Mamluks
      Manami KONDO (Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University)
      Chairperson: Goro YOKOUCHI (Lecturer, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)

      • Written Manchu Summer Course 2016 was held from August 5th to 9th, 2016 at the Center.


      • The 76th Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting was held on July 2nd, 2016 at the Center.

      The Tale of Zalpa: Ask Not What It Means but How It Works
                Marina Zorman
      (Associate Professor of University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

      Chairperson: Kazuhiko YOSHIDA
      (Professor of the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)

      How had the Chinese officials used the statute files under Mongol rule?
           Bunji TAKAHASHI
      (Graduate School of Letters, OsakaUniversity)

      Chairperson: Yuko MATSUKA
      (Professor of Graduate School of Letters, Otemon Gakuin University)


      • Prof. Doris Behrens-Abouseif Special Lecture Meeting was held on May 21, 2016, at the Center.

      The Mosque of Sultan Hasan: Pious Patronage or Extravagance

      Doris Behrens-Abouseif (Emeritus Professor of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London)


      • Prof. Hakan Karateke Special Lecture Meeting was held on April 13, 2016, at the Center.

      Ottoman Imperial Ceremonial:
      Why it Matters for the Sultan’s Legitimacy?

      Hakan Karateke(Professor of Ottoman and Turkish Culture, Language and Literature,
      The University of Chicago)


      • The Annual Meeting of the Consortium for the Studies of the Eurasian Languages 2016, “The Latest Reports on the Studies of the Eurasian Languages,”was held on March 26, 2016, at the Center.

      AOYAMA, Kazuki. Case Uses in Turkish Headlines.
      EBATA, Fuyuki. A brief comparison of Sakha and Tyvan: Regularity and obligatoriness.
      FUJISHIRO, Setsu. A Turkic text of a Shaman’s song found among the materials of Tungus language at the beginning of 20th century.
      HAYATA, Suzushi. Shunzhi-period Manchu Recorded by Japanese Speakers: A Preliminary Study.
      HAYATA, Teruhiro. A preliminary report on word-internal spaces in old Manchu writing.
      HAYATSU, Emiko. How Japanese Causative Sentences Correspond to Non-causative Sentences.
      KAKUDO, Masayoshi. Conjunct/Disjunct in Monguor.
      KISHIDA, Yasuhiro. Some remarks on the genitive case.
      KOGURA, Norikazu. A preliminary study on agentivity and knowledge management in Sibe.
      KUBO, Tomoyuki. Reading pronunciation of Manchurian in Xinjiang Sibe.
      KURIBAYASHI, Yuu. Issues in V+V compound verbs in Turkish.
      MATSUMOTO, Ryo.  The verbal suffix –v in Evenki.
      OHSAKI, Noriko. Voice suffixes and Verb-Verb Complexes in Kyrgyz used in the Epos Manas.
      OKU, Masahiro.  Finite verb forms in Turkmen.
      SAWADA, Hideo. Constituency tests for the complex verb structure in Lhaovo language.
      ARAKAWA, Shintaro.  On the recent studies of the Tangut texts written in the cursive style.
      SUGAHARA, Mutsumi. Persian loan syntax in Chaghatay.
      SUGANUMA, Kentaro. Preliminary study on the Modern Uyghur accent: A comparison with Turkish.
      UETA, Naoki. A Perceptual Experiment on Vowel Duration in Khalkha Mongolian.
      UMETANI, Hiroyuki. Phonological characteristics of Khalkha Mongolian personal possessive particles.
      WANG, Haibo. The phonological alternation and the boundary of stem in spoken Manchu
      YAMADA, Yohei. When is a verbal noun used for sentence finals in Khalkha Mongolian?
      YOSHIDA, Hiromi. A short report from my recent fieldwork on Basque language.
      HAYASI, Tooru. Total Comments.


      • International Workshop on Dzungar Historical Studies 2016 was held on January 23, 2016 at the Center.



      • The 75th Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting was held on December 12th, 2015 at the Center.

      Some Notes on the Arabic Manuscript Ahmet III 3057 (TSMK, Istanbul)
           Takao ITO (Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University)

      Chairperson: Shinya SHIONOZAKI (Assistant Researcher of the Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)
       Municipal Districts and Officials in Tabriz in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
          Masashi MIZUTA (Professor of the Department of Commerce, Osaka University of Commerce)

      Chairperson: Toru ONOZAWA (Associate Professor of Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)


      • International Workshop on Pre-Modern Kashmir 2015 was held on September 23 and 24, 2015 at the Center.

      Organizers: Satoshi OGURA (JSPS), Akane SAITO (JSPS)
      Co-Organizers: CECS, Kyoto University and RINDAS

      The First Day (13:00-17:40)
      Alexis SANDERSON (Professor Emeritus, Oxford University)
      Yasuke IKARI (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
      Bill MAK (Hakubi Center, Kyoto University)
      Kiyokazu Okita (Hakubi Center, Kyoto University)

      The Second Day (10:00-16:45)
      Yuko YOKOCHI (Kyoto University)
      Satoshi OGURA (JSPS)
      Yuki TOMONARI (JSPS)
      Akane SAITO (JSPS)
      Satoshi NAIKI (Kyoto University)
      Yohei KAWAJIRI (Chikushi Jogakuen University)
      Somdev VASUDEVA (Kyoto University)

      Supported by: The Department of Indology, Kyoto University and RINDAS (NIHU Program of Contemporary India Area Studies)


      • The 74th Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting was held on July 4th, 2015 at the Center.

      Administrative System and Official Documents of the Old Tibetan Empire
           Kazushi IWAO (Visiting Researcher of Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)

      Chairperson: Tatsuya NAKANISHI (Program Specific Assistant Professor of The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research)

      The Earliest Japanese Traveler through the so-called Outer-Mongolia Region
          Akira HARAYAMA (Graduate School of Letters, Momoyama Gakuin University)

      Chairperson: Cheng Zhi (Associate Professor of Graduate School of Letters, Otemon Gakuin University)

      • The Annual Meeting of the Consortium for the Studies of the Eurasian Languages was held on March 27, 2015 at the Center.

      UETA, Naoki (Graduate School, Kyoto Univ.) Word-initial r in Mongolian.
      UMETANI, Hiroyuki (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) Invariable words modifying adjectives in Mongolian.
      KAKUDO, Masayoshi (Osaka Univ.) Intonation of the Huzhu Dongshan Dialect in Mongghul.
      YAMAKOSHI, Yasuhiro (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) Sentence-final Personal Possessive Particles in Buryat.
      YAMADA, Yohei (Graduate School, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) Reflexive possessive markers in Qiqihaer Dagur.
      AOYAMA, Kazuki (Graduate School, Tokyo Univ.) Turkish aorist forms in terms of “property description” ‒through the analysis of impersonal passives.
      DIRIK, Seval (Graduate School, Okayama Univ.) On the predicate form -(y)IK in Çanakkale dialect of Turkish.
      EBATA, Fuyuki (Niigata Univ.) A preliminary study on Sakha auxiliary verbs.
      OHSAKI, Noriko (Kyoto Univ.) A preliminary study on verb-complexes in Kyrgyz.
      KURIBAYASHI, Yuu (Okayama Univ.) Khalaj ‒A Turkic language spoken in Iran‒.
      SATO, Kumiko (Nagasaki Univ. of Foreign Studies) On pitch compression phenomenon in Turkish.
      SUGAHARA, Mutsumi (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) ‘Oblique base’ in the Turkic nominal morphology.
      SUGANUMA, Kentaro (Graduate School, Kyushu Univ.) The Core-Periphery Structure of Modern Uyghur Phonological Lexicon: A Study on r-insertion.
      FUJISHIRO, Setsu (Kobe City College of Nursing) A scene from a linguistic history in the 20th century: Dolgan met Yakut again.
      KISHIDA, Yasuhiro (Osaka Univ.) A remark on the semantics and morphology of indirect evidentiality.
      SAWADA, Hideo (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) Plain-causative verb pairs in languages of Burmish group.
      YOSHIDA, Hiromi (Kobe City Univ. of Foreign Studies) A preliminary study on the postpositions and case-markers in Basque.
      KAJI, Hiromi (Tokyo Univ.) Irregularity in Ewen morphology.
      KOGURA, Norikazu (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) Vowel stems and consonant stems in Tungusic verbal morphophonology.
      KUBO, Tomoyuki (Kyushu Univ.) Some remarks on the numerals of Manchu and Sibe.
      MATSUMOTO, Ryo (Kyoto Univ.) Compounding in modern Evenki.
      WANG, Haibo (Graduate School, Tokyo Univ.) On the compilation of a cognate dictionary of Manchurian dialects: The state of progress and its application to diachronic research of phonology.

      General Review Hayasi, Tooru (Tokyo Univ.)


      • Dr. Treadwell Special Lecture Meeting was held on March 18th, 2015 at the Seminar Room 1 of Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University.

      “Dirhams for Slaves, Furs and Amber: Islamic Trade with Europe and the Northern Lands in the 9th and 10th Centuries”
      Dr. Luke Treadwell (Oriental Studies Department, University of Oxford)


      • The International Colloquium, Ancient Iran: New Perspectives from Archaeology and Cuneiform Studies (organized by Iran-Japan Project of Ancient Texts) was held on December 6th and 7th, 2014 at the Center.
      • Program
        December 6th
        Opening Speech: Kozo Itani (Professor: Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University; Director, Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies, Kyoto University)

        Kazuya Maekawa, Iran-Japan Project of Ancient Texts: A Brief History

        Shunsuke Watanabe ─ Hirofumi Teramura, 3D Modelling of the Cuneiform Tablets and the Bricks Possessed by the National Museum of Iran

        Sharareh Farokhnia ─ Katrien De Graef, The Emergence of Early Complexity in Tape Hissar

        Sedigheh Piran, Seal Impressions from Tal-i Malyan (The Collection of Inscription Department of the National Museum of Iran)

        Yasuyoshi Okada, Archaeology of Chogha Zanbil and its Conservation in the World Heritage Context

        December 7th
        Florence Malbran-Labat, Elamite, An Unnamed Language: Current Status

        Wakaha Mori ─ Kazuya Maekawa, A Sumerian Royal Inscription and a Sumerian Administrative Record from Ur III Anšan

        Piotr Steinkeller, The Role of Elam in the Inter-Regional Exchange of Metals: Tin, Copper, Silver, and Gold in the Second Half of the Third Millennium BC.

        Kazuya Maekawa, Susa and Girsu-Lagaš in the Ur III Period

        Katrien De Graef, A Game of Thrones? The Institutionalization and Political Structure of the Sukkalmah Regime (1930-1450 BC)

        Akiko Tsujita, Divine Names in the School Texts from Susa

        Eiko Matsushima, A Royal Inscription of Huteldush-Inshushinak from Tall-i Malyan

        Yoko Watai, Transfer of Statues of the Divinities and Worship from Babylonia to Elam in the First Millennium BCE

        Toyoko Kawase, Masons and Quarries in the Persepolis Royal Economy

        Seiro Haruta, Historical Importance of the Izeh Plain: Viewed from Later Periods

        Kazuya Maekawa, Closing Speech


        • The 73rd Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting was held on December 6th, 2014 at the Center.

        This meeting was held as a part of the program of the International Colloquium, Ancient Iran: New Perspectives from Archaeology and Cuneiform Studies (organized by Iran-Japan Project of Ancient Texts), which was held on December 6th and 7th at the Center.

        Part I “Seal Impressions from Tell Malyan in the Collection of Inscription Department of the National Museum of Iran (Iran-Japan Project of Ancient Iran)”
        Ms. Sedigheh Piran (Inscription Department of National Museum of Iran)

        Part II “Archaeology of Chogha Zanbil and its Conservation in the World Heritage Context”
        Prof. Yasuyoshi OKADA (Kokushikan University, Institute for Cultural Studies of Ancient Iraq)


        • The 72nd Haneda Memorial Hall Semi-annual Lecture Meeting was held on July 5th, 2014 at the Center.

          ■ Part I “Mīr ‘Alī Šīr’s Ancestry and the Post-Mongol Era”
            KUBO, Kazuyuki (Associate Professor of Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)
            Chairperson: SUGIYAMA, Masaki (Assistant Researcher at the Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies)

          ■ Part II ”Twenty years of exploration of stone inscriptions in Mongolia from 1994 to 2014: Tracing the steps of Chinggis Khan and his descendants”
            MATSUDA, Koichi (Emeritus professor of Osaka International University)

           Chairperson: TSUTSUMI, Kazuaki (Professor of Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University)


        • The Fourth Course on Japanese Language and Culture for Students of Samuel B. Linde College of Modern Language (Poznan, Poland) was held at the Center.

          Nine classes were given between July 7th and August 1st.
          The course has been held almost every summer since 2010.


        Back to Top

        ]]> About the Center and Haneda Memorial Hall Tue, 29 Jul 2014 08:39:47 +0000 haneda_lobby1About the Center and Haneda Memorial Hall

        The Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies was established in 2004, following the reorganization of the former Institute for Inner Asian Studies, founded in 1966. The Center is located in Haneda Memorial Hall (13, Omiya Minamitajiri-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto), which was built to commemorate the late Professor Dr. Toru Haneda (1882–1955), who pioneered the academic study of Central and Northern Asian history and languages, promoting education and study in those fields, through the support of the Mishima Kaiun Foundation and the Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. The unique two-story building that imitates the architecture of Islamic seminaries is the work of Kyoto University Professor Tomoya Masuda (1914–1981).

        I. Organization
        The Center is managed by a Committee consisting of some ten members; approximately forty researchers serve concurrently as faculty members of Kyoto University or other academic institutions.

        II. Fields of study and research methods
        The center is committed to the development of multidisciplinary research related to the history, languages, and religions of Central Eurasia and its surrounding regions, emphasizing the philological enquiries that were a feature of the former Institute for Inner Asian Studies. In addition, research based on fieldwork is also undertaken.

        1. Historical studies
        Given the tradition of source-based historical investigation established by the Institute for Inner Asian Studies, the preferred research method involves a thorough examination of historical sources written in various languages (including the Iranian, Semitic, and Altaic languages), in addition to Chinese materials. The Center encourages links between individual research projects in order to promote the study of human history in Central Eurasia and the surrounding regions.

        2. Linguistic studies
        Linguistic studies using written historical sources from Central and Western Asia are vigorously pursued. Subjects of research include Iranian, Indian, Tocharian, Uighur, Tangut, Mongolian, Tibetan, and ancient Western Asian languages such as Hittite and Sumerian. In addition, the Center actively supports the investigation, recording, and documentation of Endangered Languages.

        3. Religious studies
        As well as the major religions of Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and Taoism, the people of Eurasia have embraced various minor religions including Manichaeism. The role of these religions in local communities is being comprehensively investigated, mainly through the exploration of old documents written in native languages.

        III. Publication of research results
        Semiannual meetings on Eurasian studies, launched in 1980, are usually held in July and December. The 73rd meeting was held in 2014. In addition, special academic meetings and lectures are occasionally offered, attracting scholars of Eurasian Studies from both home and abroad.

        IV. Educational activities
        Courses on Old Eurasian languages are occasionally held at the Center in order to train junior researchers.

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        How to use the Library Tue, 29 Jul 2014 08:39:29 +0000 The Center has a library of nearly 13,000 books in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Mongolian, Tibetan, and Chinese as well as European languages.

        The library is part of the Library of the Graduate School of Letters and Faculty of Letters at Kyoto University and follows the same regulations.

        ● All library materials must be used within the library.

        ● The library is open from 10 am to 4 pm on weekdays.
        Please be sure to contact us in advance, as the library may be closed at irregular times.

        For more information, please contact us by email or telephone.

        HANEDA MEMORIAL HALL (Center for Studies of Cultural Heritage and Inter Humanities, CESCHI)
        13, Omiya Minamitajiri-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8832
        Tel: +81-75-491-6027
        E-mail: eurasia-haneda(at mark)

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        Access to the Center Tue, 29 Jul 2014 08:38:37 +0000 hanedamap_eng
        From KYOTO STATION
        1. Take the Route 9 Kyoto City Bus (bound for Nishigamo-shako) from the B1 zone of the Kyoto Station Bus Terminal. Get off the bus at the Kamigamo-Misonobashi bus-stop (a journey of approximately 40 minutes from the Kyoto Station). Walk 20 meters in the same direction as the bus (west) and then turn right (north) at the crossroads. The building stands about 10 meters to the north-west of the crossroads.

        2. Take the Kyoto City Subway Karasuma-line (bound for Kokusai-kaikan) and get off at Kitaōji Station (a journey of approximately 20 minutes). Take the Route 37 Kyoto City Bus (bound for Nishigamo-shako) from Bus Platform E and get off at the Kamigamo-Misonobashi bus-stop (a journey of approximately 10 minutes). Walk about 20 meters in the same direction as the bus (west) and then turn right (north) at the crossroads. The building stands about 10 meters to the north-west of the crossroads.

        From the MAIN CAMPUS of Kyoto Univ.
        Take either Kyoto City Bus Route 201 (for Senbon-Imadegawa) or 203 (for Kitano-Hakubaicho) from Hyakumanben Bus-stop. Get off the bus at Horikawa-Imadegawa (a journey of approximately 10 minutes), and take the Route 9 bus (bound for Nishigamo-shako). Note that you will need to cross from the southeast side to the northwest side of the crossroads to catch this bus. Get off the Route 9 bus at the Kamigamo-Misonobashi Bus-stop (a journey of approximately 15 minutes). Walk about 20 m in the same direction as the bus (west) and turn right (north) at the crossroads. The building stands about 10 meters to the north-west of the crossroads.

        From DEMACHIYANAGI (a terminal of Keihan Line)
        Take the Route 37 Kyoto City Bus (bound for Nishigamo-shako) from the Aoibashi-Nisizume Bus-stop on Kawaramachi Street to the Kamigamo-Misonobashi bus-stop (a journey of approximately 25 minutes). Walk about 20 meters in the same direction as the bus (west) and turn right (north) at the crossroads. The building stands about 10 meters to the north-west of the crossroads.

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        Haneda Memorial Hall Tue, 29 Jul 2014 08:37:29 +0000

        Haneda Memorial Hall, located about 300 meters to the west of Kamigamo Shrine, is a research facility affiliated with the Kyoto University Graduate School of Letters.

        HANEDA MEMORIAL HALL (Center for Studies of Cultural Heritage and Inter Humanities, CESCHI)
        13, Omiya Minamitajiri-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8832
        Tel: +81-75-491-6027
        E-mail: eurasia-haneda(at mark)
