
IIIII DVSONOFPHLOLOGYAND LTERATUREWESTERNProfessorNAKAMURA, TadashiRussian Literature and Soviet CultureFaculty MembersThe subjects taught by our department are the literatures, languages and cultures of Slavic peoples living across a vast stretch of the Eurasian continent that includes territory in places such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Czech, and the Balkan Peninsula. While maintaining a common tradition, most of these people nowadays have their own independent country and language.It is, needless to say, impossible to comprehensively grasp the entirety of all diverse Slavic cultures. It is important, however, to carry on research from a broad perspective based on as much knowledge as possible, even if one is concentrating solely on a specific work, writer, or artist.Russian literature such as the works of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Chekhov had a profound infl uence on modern Japanese literature, and Slavistics in Japan developed around Russian literature studies from its birth in the Meiji era. Given these circumstances, our department off ers lectures mainly on Russian literature, language and culture: “Introduction to Russian Literature and Culture since the End of 18th Century”, “Topics in Russian Grammar”, “Reading Russian Literature”, “Russian Language Practice” and so on.We also aim to provide an environment where students can choose on their own to study various Slavic languages and cultures. To that end, we offer such lectures as “Old Church Slavonic”, “Polish Grammar”, “Reading on Polish history”, “Bulgarian Grammer” in addition to others. Our department also encourages the study of Comparative Literature focusing on Russia and Japan in the modern period.Students pursue diverse research interests, although Russian literature and culture (including paintings, movies, and schools of thought) tend to be the most popular themes for graduation theses. Graduate students pursue an even great variety of interests.Students in our department are expected to demonstrate the motivation to acquire the language skills necessary to peruse texts thoroughly, the initiative to expand their interests on their own volition, and an independent stance in order to argue critical issues with colleagues and professors.14❶ ❷ Books on various slavic languages An open lecture on Saami languages and literature at the Soviet period and Nowadays given by Dr. Tintti Klapuri from Helsinki university in November 2022.❶❶❷❷DEPARTMENT OFSLAVIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES

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