
Future Events

Lecture in Philosophy and History of Science ( The 3rd CAPE Lectures) : Algorithmic interpretation of probability
  • Speaker: Kenshi Miyabe
  • Day&Time: May 29, 2012 (Tue) 16:30-18:30
  • Place: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters, Seminar Room 8 (Research Building no. 2)


Philosophy of probability is one of the big problem in science
discussed so far.
In this talk I first review the history of philosophy of probability.
Then I introduce theory of algorithmic randomness and its
related topic, which is produced by the study of the mathematical
formalization of probability.
Finally I discuss the notion of probability from the algorithmic
point of view by seeing the results that has got recently.

A PDF file for the lecture can be obtained through:

Past Events

The First Japan-Korea Workshop on Philosophy of Science
  • Dates: February 21-22, 2011
  • Place: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters, Lecture Room 3
  • No fee
  • No prior registration required


February 21, 14:00-16:30, Session 1

  • Yuichi AMITANI (University of British Columbia) “Prototypical Reasoning about the Species and the Species Problem”
  • Senji TANAKA (JSPS Research Fellow) “Organism concepts and ontological pluralism”
  • San Wook YI (Hanyang University) “Model-Based Understanding of Sexual Division of Labor in Anthropology”

February 21, 16:45-19:15, Session 2

  • Yukinori ONISHI(Kyoto University, JSPS Research Fellow) “Analysing the Scientific Realism Debate from the Epistemological Viewpoint”
  • Yeongseo YEO (Dongduk Women’s University) “Is Prediction superior to Accommodation?”
  • Joonsung KIM (Myongji University) “Causal Generalizations and the Probabilistic Theory of Causality”


February 22, 9:00-10:30, Session 3

  • Hyundeuk CHEON (Seaul National University) “A cognitive approach to scientific concepts”
  • Kunihisa MORITA(Waseda Institute for Advanced Study) “Scientific Explanation and Pseudo-Scientific Explanation”

February 22, 10:45-12:15, Session 4

  • Kyoung-Eun YANG (Korean National University of Education) “Einstein’s Curved Space-Time and Scientific Revolution”
  • Yuichiro KITAJIMA (Nihon University) “Bohr’s Notion of Classical Description in Algebraic Quantum Theory”

end of the workshop

  • SPONCERED BY: Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
  • Contact: Tetsuji ISEDA, (replace _at_ with @)
Lecture in Philosophy and History of Science: Emergence and Reduction Reconciled
  • Speaker: Jeremy Butterfield
  • Day&Time: December 3, 2010 (Fri.) 17:00-
  • Place: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters, Seminar Room 11 (Research Building no. 2)

Professor Jeremy Butterfield is Senior Research Fellow of University of Cambridge, and one of the leading scholars in the field of philosophy of physics. The talk will be given in English.

The paper on which this talk is based can be obtained through:


This is a companion to another paper. Together they rebut two widespread philosophical doctrines about emergence. The first, and main, doctrine is that emergence is incompatible with reduction. The second is that emergence is supervenience; or more exactly, supervenience without reduction. In the other paper, I develop these rebuttals in general terms, emphasising the second rebuttal. Here I discuss the situation in physics, emphasising the first rebuttal. My examples are: the method of arbitrary functions (in probability theory); fractals (in geometry); superselection for infinite systems (in quantum theory); and phase transitions for infinite systems (in statistical mechanics).

  • Sponsored by: Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Kyoto University