京都大学大学院文学研究科21世紀COE 「グローバル化時代の多元的人文学の拠点形成」




  1. 第13回研究会報告
    • 安祥寺仏像調査報告―本堂仏を中心にして―(根立研介)
  2. 第14回研究会報告
    • Shock to the System: Environment Catastrophe and Social Changes in Oceania(Tomo Ishimura, Patrick D. Nunn)
  3. 遼文化と慶陵一帯の調査:報告会
  4. 今後の予定









Shock to the System: Environment Catastrophe and Social Changes in Oceania

○Tomo Ishimura
(Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Department of Archaeology, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto Univercity)

Patrick D. Nunn
(Department of Geography, University of the South Pacific)

We discuss interactions between environment catastrophe and social changes in Oceania around AD 1300. There are many archaeological remains of huge tumulus, temples, fortresses and other monumental structures in Oceania such as langi (Tonga), marae (French Polynesia) and heiau (Hawaii). Archaeological studies have revealed that these remains were founded in relatively later ages in the prehistory, not earlier than second millennium AD. It has been assumed that these monumental structures demonstrated power of chiefs in stratified societies, since anthropologists and archaeologists have regarded the monumental structures as an indicator of social stratification. We discuss here another idea that the environment change stimulated to construct the monumental structures.

Geographical studies around Pacific rims show that an environment catastrophe occurred around AD 1300 in the ‘’Little Ice Age’’, which led to a drastic falling of sea level by 1.5-2.0 m. We assume the sea-level change caused critical loss of marine resources that may affect human subsistence. The point is that the ‘’AD 1300 event’’ and the beginning of monument construction are almost simultaneous. We hypothesize that the poor production led by environment catastrophe caused population pressure and conflict between lands, and then the monumental structures were constructed in order to display a realm of local chiefdom.

In order to verify the hypothesis, we analyze the shift of settlement pattern at Sigatoka region, western Viti Levu Island, Fiji. In Lapita (1100-700 BC) and Navatu (700 BC-AD 1100) ages, settlements were located only along coastal area. Most of the settlements were shell midden sites, and no monumental structures were recognized in the ages. In Vunda age (AD 1100-1800), settlements moved to inland and many coastal settlements were abandoned. Some inland sites were fortified by stone fence and located on hills. Some other sites were protected by ring-ditch. These structures suggest intensification of conflict.

We also analyze the change of coastal sites of Bourewa and Rove at Sigatoka region. These two sites were founded in Lapita age and continued in Navatu age, but abandoned in Vunda age. Microenvironment evidence indicated that they had been located on a small island in the lagoon at one time, and after that the lagoon has been filled by the sea-level falling. We estimate that the landfill of lagoon destructed local subsistence based on marine resource and forced people to leave the settlements.

We conclude that the environment catastrophe in AD 1300 caused social change and construction of monumental structures in Fiji such as hill-forts and ring-ditch fortifications. It is likely that same process has occurred on other islands in Oceania. We can also regard the construction of monumental structures as an adaptive response to the environment change, and criticize the general notion that the monumental structure represents social stratification.


Nunn, P. D. 2000. Environment catastrophe in the Pacific islands around A.D. 1300. Geoarchaeology 15: 715-740.

Nunn, P. D., R. Kumar, S. Matararaba, T. Ishimura, J. Seeto, S. Rayawa, S. Kuruyawa, A. Nasila, B. Oloni, A. Rati Ram, P. Saunivalu, P. Singh and E. Tegu, 2004. Early Lapita settlement site at Bourewa, southwest Viti Levu Island, Fiji. Archaeology in Oceania 39: 139-143.










2005年4月19日(火) 18:30〜
文学部旧陳列館1階 会議室