Division of Behavioral Studies


At the Department of Psychology, we aim to scientifically elucidate the functions of the mind as well as the operations of the brain that implements them through experiments and observations. Since the functioning of the mind cannot be viewed directly, behavior is analyzed as a clue to its operation. Three fields comprise our research and education pursuits. Basic Psychology aims to elucidate the functions of the intellect and emotions of individuals and their evolution and development in adults, infants and various other animals. Experimental Psychology analyzes functions such as the perception of the environment, cognition and memory, their development over a lifetime and their bases in the brain, using precise experimental methods and brain imaging techniques. Basic Behavioral Science aims to discern the mechanisms behind behaviors with a bottom-up approach by investigating neuron functions and composing models. These fields, however, may be considered different shades of a single color, rather than three distinctive colors: in fact, both undergraduate and graduate education programs are conducted by the whole faculty as a group with a common curriculum across these fields. In other words, we offer programs for undergraduate and graduate students not only so they may deepen their specialization but also to acquire a broad background.

Aside from careers in research and education, students have taken up professional careers in many different sectors, such as broadcasting, newspapers, publishing, finance or manufacturing after completing our programs.

The Department of Psychology and other departments concerned with psychology from the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies together make up the “Kyoto University Psychology Union”, which offers cross-departmental introductory courses and a broad-ranging credit transfer system. The department also participates in Kyoto University’s “Advanced Research Unit on the Human Mind”.

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ASHIDA, Hiroshi Prof. Vision science; Perception and action
KUROSHIMA, Hika Prof. Comparative cognition; Evolution of social intelligence
MORIGUCHI Yusuke Assoc. Prof. Developmental Psychology
WILSON Duncan Andrew Ass. Prof. Comparative Psychology,Primatology