
Workshop on Current Issues in Formal Semantics Photo Uploaded!

Date: March 12th 2006, 10:00am-6:30pm

Location: Kyoto Univ. Bungakubu B1 Meeting Room

10:00-11:00Maria-Isabel Romero
(University of Pennsylvania)
11:10-12:10Richard Zuber
(Université Paris 7)
Modifications of conditionals
13:30-14:30Min-Joo Kim
(Texas Tech University)
"Domain Restriction in Freedom of Choice: A View from Korean INDET-NA items"
14:40-15:40Satoshi Tomioka
(University of Delaware)
"LF Intervention Effects: Old and New Challenges"
15:50-16:50James Higginbotham
(University of Southern California)
"Some Extensions of Sequence of Tense "

To view the abstract of the talk, please click the title.

Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Written Language Photo Uploaded!

Date: August 17th -19th, 2005

Time: 10:30 - 17:50

Location: Kyoto Univ. Bungakubu Conference Room (daikaigisitu), basement floor

(Please use the stairs or the elevator located on the western side of the building.)

Sponsored by 21st Century COE program: Towards a Center of Excellence for the Study of Humanities in the Age of Globalization, Project leader, Eisaku Kihira (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) & JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B): The Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Interaction between Language Use and Grammatical Rules, Project No.: 16320053, Head Investigator, Yukinori Takubo (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)

August 17th
10:30-11:50Yukinori Takubo (Kyoto University)"On defining properties of the spoken and the written language"
13:30-14:50Shoichi Iwasaki (UCLA)"Multiple-grammar hypothesis: A case study of Japanese passive constructions"
15:00-16:20Tsuyoshi Ono (University of Alberta)"Postpredicate Elements: Field Scientists' Explorations in Japanese Everyday Talk"
16:30-17:50Yuriko Sunakawa (University of Tsukuba)"The focus-presentational function and salience-presentational function of Japanese cleft constructions"
August 18th
10:30-11:50Yasuhiro Shirai (Cornell University and Chinese University of Hong Kong)"Authentic discourse: What's in it to be learned?"
13:30-14:50Yoshiko Matsumoto (Stanford University)"Ontogeny of an addressee honorific"
15:00-16:20Shigeko Okamoto (California State University, Fresno)"Variation in the Use of Regional and Standard Japanese"
16:30-17:50Setsuko Arita (Osaka Shoin Women's University)"On the discourse function of sentence initial wa"
Business Meeting
August 19th
10:30-11:50Toshiyuki Sadanobu (Kobe University) and Hiroko Sawada (Kyoto University)"Expressiveness-deficiency disease of speech"
13:30-14:50Katsumi Shibuya (Osaka University)"Aspects of written language in the second half of the Edo period"
15:00-16:20Satoshi Kinsui (Osaka University)"The origin of the constraint on case particles in the Standard Japanese"

Workshop on Japanese and Korean Linguistics@ Photo Updated!

Date: February 21st & 22nd, 2005

Time: 10:00am - 5:20pm

Location: Kyoto Univ. Bungakubu Shinkan Lecture Room 6

This workshop is co-sponsored by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Reasearch (A)(1): The Logic of Everyday Inference and Its Linguistic Forms: With Special Reference to Quantificational Expressions, Conditionals, and Modal Expressions (Project Leader Takao Gunji)

February 21st
10:00-11:20Heejeong Ko (MIT)"Possessor Raising, Quantification, and Linear Order in Korean" click here for handout
1:00-2:20James Yoon (University of Illinois)"Raising and Major Arguments" click here for handout
2:30-3:50Yukinori Takubo (Kyoto University)"An Overt Marker for Individual Sublimation in Japanese" click here for paper
4:00-5:20Hajime Hoji (USC)"A Major Object Analysis of the so-called Raising-to-Object Construction in Japanese (and Korean)" click here for handout click here for supplementary
February 22nd
10:00-11:20Jae-il Yeom (Hongik University)"The Semantics of '-ketun' in Korean" click here for handout
1:00-2:20Naomi Harada (ATR)"Raising-to-Object: From a Different Plane" click here for handout
2:30-3:50Peter Sells (Stanford University)"Negation Scope and Negative-Sensitive Forms in Korean" click here for handout
4:00-5:20Chungmin Lee (Seoul National University)"Concessivity, Scalarity, Conditionality and Polarity---with reference to Contrastive Topic/Focus" click here for handout

Workshop on Negation in Chinese

Date: Novermber 6th, 2004

Time: 12:00am - 4:20pm (Registration 12:00am-1:00pm, Opening remarks 1:00-1:15pm)

Location: Kyoto Univ. Tokeidai Kinenkan 100th Year Anniversary Hall

This workshop is co-sponsored by Group 32 of the COE project & The Chinese Language Society of Japan.
The registeration fee of 2000 yen will be collected to cover the workshop materials.

PART 1 - Chair: Meng Zhang (Kyoto Women's University)
1.Danqing Liu
(China Academy of Social Sciences)
"Morpho-syntactic Typology of Chinese Negatives: A Cross-dialectal Survey"
2.Zhiyun Cao
(Beijing Language and Culture University)
"Negation Markers in Tangxi (a Wu Dialect of Chinese)"
PART 2 - Chair: Hideki Kimura (University of Tokyo)
3.Hirohumi Sugimura
(Osaka University of Foreign University)
"How We Receive and Use Negative Informations"
4.Yukinori Takubo
(Kyoto University)
"Negation in Chinese: a theoretical overview"

To view the abstracts of the talks, plesae click the titles.

Quarterly Workshop I

Date: September 11th, 2004

Location: Kyoto Univ. Bungakubu Shinkan Lecture Room 6

Morning Program (10 - 12 am)
1.Naomi Harada (ATR)"On Semantic Reflex of Morphological Case"
2.J.-R. Hayashishita (Kyoto U.)"On So-called Focus-Sensitive Particles in Adnominal Positions"
Afternoon Program (1 - 6pm)
3.Eri Tanaka (Osaka U.)"On the Semantics of Japanese Postpositional Phrase 'X-made' and its Relation to Quantificational Expressions"
4.Takao Gunji (Kobe Shoin)"Japanese Aspects and Counterfactuals"
5.Michinao F. Matsui (Kobe Shoin)"On Computational Relevance Theoretic Approach to the Interpretation of Counterfactuals"
6.Yukinori Takubo (Kyoto U.),
Hiroshi Mito (Osaka U.), and
Hiroko Sawada (Kyoto U.)
"Two-layered System for Japanese Tense-Aspects"

To view the abstracts of the talks, plesae click the titles.