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本発表では、機能について現在有力な見方のひとつである機能の因果説(Etiological Theory)について、(1)因果説がL・ライトによる初期の形からどのような変換をこうむってきたかを述べ(2)「偶然の瓜二つ」(Accidental Doubles)という因果説に対する反論について考えた。
因果説を初めて提唱したL・ライトは、Xの機能がZになるのは、(i) ZはXが存在することの結果であり、かつ(ii)XがZをするからXが存在する場合であるとした。この定義の下では、あるアイテム(器官や行動など)がそれの属する系にたまたま恩恵をもたらすとしても、上の(ii)を満たさないのでそれに機能を付与する必要がなくなる。ライトはこの定義の利点を、このように機能による成功と偶然による成功を区別できることにあると考えた。これに対して、肥満による運動不足[(i)]は更なる肥満を招く[(ii)]が、肥満には運動を妨げる機能はないといった反例が提出された。
idealism essentially amounts to the affirmation that the meaning of the being
of all objects depends on pure (i.e. phenomenologically reduced) and
transcendental (i.e. constituting) intentional consciousness. Inspired by
Descartes, Husserl concluded from this in the Ideas I that the actual existence of transcendent objets and of the
real world necessarily depends on an actual perceptual consciousness, while the
actual existence of this consciousness only depends on its actual inner
perception by itself (“nulla re indiget
ad existendum”). Husserl was quick to realize that such a (metaphysical)
formulation of phenomenological idealism was highly misleading in that it
presented “absolute” consciousness as a region of being opposed to the region of being into which belong all transcendent
objects. Also questionable was its insistence on a solipsistic form of all
conscious experiences of transcendent reality. Finally, the hypothesis of a
possible “annihilation of the world” gave the wrong impression that
phenomenology, instead of accounting for the actual existence of transcendent
objects and of the real world was inclined to enclose itself in a sphere of
pure immanence.
In this
paper I want to show that almost simultaneously with the Ideas I, in his Revisions of
the Sixth Logical Investigation (Husserliana
XX/1) and also in other manuscripts to be published soon for the first time (“Transzendentaler Idealismus. Texte aus dem
Nachlass (1908-1921)”, Husserliana,
XXXVI), Husserl developed an alternative and more acceptable line of
argumentation in favor of a phenomenological idealism. This argumentation
reminds one more of Leibniz than of Descartes in that it understands the actual
existence of transcendent objects to
be the result of a “realization” of a former well-grounded (“real”) possibility. The statement that the
truth value of all belief into the actual existence of the world depends on its
fulfillment by actual perceptive experiences of this world here never leads to
a metaphysical opposition between the sphere of phenomenological immanence and
the sphere of transcendent reality. Quite to the contrary: just as the being of
an “ideal” possibility depends on its intuitive givenness in an act of phantasy,
just as the being of a “real” possibility depends on former perceptions, so
does the actual existence of the real world depend on its intuitive givenness
in a series of concordant actual perceptions. In all
this, phenomenology investigates the intentional correlation between the different modes of being of objects and the
corresponding forms of intuitive pure consciousness.
This second
line of argumentation in favor of phenomenological idealism leads to important
new developments concerning the merely “presumptive” certainty with which one
can “posit” the actual existence of the transcendent “things in themselves” and
the regulative function and adequate givenness of transcendent things
understood as “ideas in the Kantian sense”. It also contributes to a
clarification of the difference between phenomenological idealism and (Humean)
phenomenism. Its most spectacular contribution lays,
however, in its insistence on the fact that only a coherent manifold of actual
perceptions by an intersubjective
community of bodily subjects can
contribute of a phenomenological justification of the actual existence of the
real world. The phenomenological insistence on the purity of the transcendental
consciousness which constitutes the meaning of the being of the actual world of
transcendent objects thus goes together with an acknowledgment of the plurality of transcendentally
constituting subjects and of their bodily
experience of the actual existence of transcendent (“real”) objects.
アインシュタインの思考をたどる ―特殊相対性から一般相対性へ
主催:岩城科研「四大(地・水・火・風)の感性論」 会場:京大会館102号室
PaSTA事務局 〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田本町 京都大学大学院文学研究科 現代文化学共同研究室 瀬戸口(研究会補佐員) TEL: 075-753-2792 E-mail: Webpage: ※PaSTA研究会の電子メール通知をご希望の方は事務局までご連絡下さい。 |