

○内井惣七 科学哲学入門(講義) (金4)

前期A: 科学と哲学/自然科学の方法/反証主義/科学的説明/
後期B: 理論・観察・ 測定/仮説の形成と確証/科学理論の変遷/科学の目的


○伊藤 科学史入門(講義)(月2)

西欧近代科学の誕生過程を考察する.運動論と天文学を中心に, 古代から17世紀「科学革命」までを辿る.

○八杉満利子 論理学(基礎演習 I)(金2)

述語論理の基本, 完全性, 証明論入門, 不完全性定理



○Wesley Salmon and S. Uchii, Causality(前期火3・木3)

This course will examine epistemological and metaphysical issues regarding causality raised by David Hume. The students will read brief passages from Hume, and then study various historical and contemporary responses. Here we will follow J. L. Mackie’s discussions in THE CEMENT OF THE UNIVERSE (Hume, Kant, Mill, Mackie, von Wright). We will use CAUSATION (eds. Sosa and Tooley), which contains a number of important essays by contemporary authors. If time permits, we will explore the relations between causation and scientific explanation. C. G. Hempel’s classic work would be our point of departure on this topic. (Books are available at the University bookseller Renais)

○伊藤和行 現代科学史(水2)

前期:渡辺政隆『DNAの謎に挑む-遺伝子探究の一世紀』(朝日選書,1998)と『別冊日経サイエンス 遺伝子技術が変える世界』

○古川安 科学の社会史(集中)

「科学の社会史」は古くて新しいテーマである. そのヒストリオグラフィーの変遷, 事例研究を紹介しながら,欧米と日本の科学の社会史を概観する.

○丹治信治 (集中)


○Merrilee H. Salmon and S. Uchii, Seminar: Philosophy of the Social Sciences(前期火2・木2)

The seminar will focus on philosophical issues that arise in the social sciences. These include the following: 1. Whether there can be a science of human society on the model of the natural sciences. 2. Explanation, prediction and laws in the social sciences. 4. Functional explanation. 5. The interpretivists’ challenge to a naturalistic social science. 6. Rationality and cognitive relativism. 7. Social facts and Individualism. 8. Objectivity and values in the social sciences; ethical relativism. 9. Problems of the special sciences (economics, history, anthropology, etc.). Text: Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Edited by Michael Martin and Lee C. McIntyre. MIT Press (paper), 1994. (The book is available at the University bookseller Renais)


Deborah G. Mayo, Error and the Growth of Experimental
, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1996.

○伊藤和行 (水3)

前期:17世紀科学革命に関する文献を読む.John Henry, The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science, Macmillan Pr / St. Martin’s Pr., 1997.
 後期:19世紀の科学に関する文献を読む.Mary Jo Neye, Before Big Science, Harvard UP, 1999 (1996).

○美濃正 (木5)

W.G. Lycan(ed.), Mind and Coginition: An Anthology (2nd ed.), 1999, Blackwell

○内井・伊藤 科学哲学科学史セミナー(火4)




Sklar, Space, Time, and Spacetime 続き


Leonhard Euler, Mechanica