
伊勢田哲治 教授

京大文卒,京大修士修了,University of Maryland 院修了,Ph.D. (Philosophy).



  • 『認識論を社会化する』(名古屋大学出版会,2004)
  • 『疑似科学と科学の哲学』(名古屋大学出版会,2003)
  • 『科学哲学の源流をたどる』(ミネルヴァ書房, 2018)


伊藤憲二 准教授

東京大学教養学部卒,東京大学理学系大学院修士修了、Harvard University院修了,Ph.D. (History of Science).


伊藤 憲二 (Kenji Ito) – マイポータル – researchmap


  • “Transnational scientific advising: Occupied Japan, the United States National Academy of Sciences and the establishment of the Science Council of Japan,” British Journal for the History of Science (2023), forthcoming.
  • “Early Japanese reactions to the interpretation of quantum mechanics, 1927-1943,” Olival Freire, Jr. ed., Oxford Handbook of the History of Quantum Interpretations (Oxford University Press, 2022), 687-707.
  • “Three tons of uranium from the International Atomic Energy Agency: diplomacy over nuclear fuel for the Japan Research Reactor-3 at the Board of Governors’ meetings, 1958–1959,” History and Technology 37(1) (2021), 67-89.
  • “The scientific object and material diplomacy: The shipment of radioisotopes from the United States to Japan in 1950,” Centaurus 63(2) (2021), 296-319.