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 11月20日(木)午後2時から5時 於:京大会館


エリザベス・クレイク(元京都大学文学研究科教授)「Knife and Fire  西の切開術と東の鍼灸術」(英語)


   グローバル化という現象を眺めてみるとき、人為的・政策的にそれが行われる場合と、期せずしてそれが起こっている場合とがある。 この二つの様相を「文化移植と遠隔照応」ととらえ、今回のシンポジウムではそれぞれについて具体的な問題をご報告いただいた。 まずエンゲルベルト・ヨリッセン氏にインドにおける英語使用と英文学の展開を、ポルトガル時代から歴史的に考察していただいた。 エリザベス・クレイク氏にはヒポクラテス医学における切開・焼灼術と東洋医学における鍼灸術の比較の可能性を、それぞれの医術の原理 に溯って考察していただいた。出席者は講演会に54名、懇親会に40名、活発な質疑応答が行われた。


Colonialism and Literature ― considering Indian literature in English


Engelbert Jorissen     

       Discussing use of English and writing of literature in English in India must be done before the background of European colonialism from the 16th to the 20th century, beginning with Portuguese colonization. Use of Portuguese in Goa was part of the program to make the colonized adapt themselves to Christian-European customs. Use of language in India as in any other colony must be studied in the context of the problem of identity on various levels.
   The name of the English Jesuit Thomas Stephens (1549-1619) has not remained for the diffusion of English but for his grammatical and biblical texts in Konkani and Marathi. However, it must not be forgotten that his linguistic activity has to be seen, too, in the process of building up colonial hegemony (cf. Pratima Kamat, Farar Far, 1999, p.44).
   Letters in English from Th. Stephens to his father stimulated in England interest in commercial activities with India(cf. Raja Ram Mehrota, Indian English, 1998, p.3). From the 17th century English became used through the English East India Company. Dean Mahomed (1759-1851), in Ireland and England from 1784, left a travelogue in form of letters, published 1794, one of the first documents written in English by an Indian (cf. Michael H. Fisher, The First Indian Author in English, 1996).
   In his Minute on Indian Education from 1835 Thomas Babington Macaulay advocates the use of English and Anglicization by education. It has become known, too, for the contempt of native languages and literatures. In 19th century prose and poetry in English began to grow. In 1889 Chandu Menon's Indulekha was published, a novel in Malayalam following English models.
   In the 1930ies, when the Indian national movement had grown considerably, some major literary works appeared in English. Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narajan and Raja Rao are often named as representative writers. R.K. Narayan has written about his learning the English language as a child without knowing the material civilization it expresses (R.K. N., English in India). R. Rao, in his "Foreword" in Kanthapura,(1939) speaks about the difficulty to write in English and predicts a time when Indian English will have become as naturally as other Englishes in the world.
   In recent studies some authors appear repeatedly as representative for the following decades, like G.V. Desani for his innovative All about H. Hatter (1948) or Anita Desai as a female writer. Nayantara Sahgal, niece of Jawaharlal Nehru, while confessing her Indianness, still decided to write in English(The Testament of an Indo-Anglian Writer, 1972).
   Many have written about the importance of Salman Rushdie (Midnight's Children,1981 etc.). Much of what has been said must be seen critically, but it cannot be denied that S. Rushdie has given decisive impulses to the Indian Literature in English.
   The questions who uses English in India today, who writes it, who reads the texts in India are complex. Two writers of interest are Kamala Das and Nissim Ezekiel. Kamala Das writes in English and in Malayalam. Nissim Ezekiel, of Jewish origin, reflects on himself before the Indian background. In some of his poems he intentionally uses an Indian English with deviations from a grammar considered to be the orthodox one, what has become the object of varying criticism.



E. M. Craik     

       Background to this study -
   Hippocratic treatises, especially‘Places in Man’and‘On the Eye’. Manuals of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, Book by Shigehisa Kuriyama, ‘The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine’, Zone Books, NY 2002.

   Hippocratic doctors explained disease in terms of flux from the head (either upper flux from scalp or lower flux from brain), and addressed this by cutting or cauterising blood vessels believed to transport noxious matter. Some awareness of, or at least some theory about, the course of the vessels in the head, and the vascular system in general, is a prerequisite for such surgery; and some view about the contents of the vessels in health and in sickness is a presupposition. The points selected for cutting and cautery by Hippocratic eye doctors can be compared with the points addressed by eastern (Chinese and Japanese) doctors treating eye complaints by acupuncture and moxibustion. But to what extent is the rationale the same in east and west?


佐々木茂人:ディアスポラと文化の変容 ―J.ゴルディンの戯曲『神と人間と悪魔』



 ◎第5回研究会 2003.7.25 15時から17時 於:東館4階会議室
  ・佐々木茂人:ディアスポラと文化の変容 −J.ゴルディンの『神と人間と悪魔』−


   2月19日(木)14時から17時   於:東館4階会議室

  高橋 宏幸:ローマの境界と世界