


No. 1 (April 1994) Philosophy and History of Science, founded in 1993
Syllabus of the new academic year
New junior students
Profile of Prof. Soshichi Uchii
First major students came this year.
No. 2 (May 1994) Some of Our Books on History and Philosophy of Science
Summary of 1993 activities
No. 3 (June 1994) S. Uchii, "Do you want to read such translations as this?: Kuhn's Copernican Revolution, tr. by K. Tsuneishi" Book review
No. 4 (September 1994) Book Review: Japanese translation of C.R.Mollenhoff's Atanasoff: forgotten father of the computer, by T.Saisho and Y.Matsumoto (S. Uchii) Book review
No. 5 (October 1994) S. Uchii, "From our Lectures: The development of the kinetic theory of gases"
No. 6 (December 1994) 1. S. Uchii, "M. Dummett's Lecture in Kyoto"
2. Abstract of Uchii's presentation "Probabilistic Revolution" for Kansai Phil. Assoc.
3. Preview: S. Uchii's Introduction to Philosophy of Science
No. 7 (January 1995) Associate Professor Nominated
Book Review: Y. Murakami's What are the Scientists? (S.Uchii)
Our Courses for the Coming Year
K.Ito joined the Department.
Book review
No. 8 (April 1995) Japanese Translation: L.Boltzmann's "On the Indispensability of Atomistic in the Natural Science", by K.Inoue and S.Uchii
No. 9 (May 1995) S.Uchii, "Wes and Merrilee Salmon Visit Japan"
News of our Department
No. 10 (June 1995) K. Ito, "Recent Studies on Galileo"
Our Activities in 1994
No. 11 (September 1995) S. Uchii, "Recent Studies on Evolution and Ethics"
No. 12 (October 1995) Book Review: F. Satoh's Science and Happiness (S. Uchii) Book review
No. 13 (March 1996) S. Uchii, "Our Students's Graduation Theses"
Our Courses for the Coming Year
Our Activities in 1995
Preview: S.Uchii's Theories of Evolution and Ethics
First graduate students came
No. 14 (June 1996) S. Uchii, "International Fellows Conference in Italy"
New Juniors and New Graduate Students
Information of the Graduate Program
Recent Visitors
No. 15 (September 1996) S. Uchii, "Laplace against the French Lottery"
No. 16 (February 1997) Abstracts of Graduation Theses
(1) Emiko Itoh, "The Scope of Ethical Considerations in Environmental Ethics"
(2) Akira Ueda, "Poincare's Conventionalism: its geometrical aspect"
(3) Makoto Matsubara, "Recombinant DNA and NIH Guidelines"
No. 17 (May 1997) Book Review: Soshichi Uchii, "Akira Tonomura's Seeing Gauge Fields, Koudansha, March 1997"
New Junior Students
Our Activities in 1996
Book review
No. 18 (September 1997) Tetsuji Iseda: “Can epistemology be social?: A review of recent attempts in social epistemology” English
No. 19 (November 1997) A Report on the Forum: Evolutionary Understanding of Humanity: Humanities, Social Sciences, and The Theory of Evolution
M. Daly and M. Wilson (Univ. of McMaster, Canada)
M. Ruse (Univ. of Guelph, Canada)
S. Uchii (Kyoto Univ.)
O. Sakura (Yokohama National Univ.)
Mariko Hasegawa (Senshu Univ.)
(1) Abstracts and short notes about the speakers
(2) S.Uchii, "Comments on Professor Ruse's View" (full text)
No. 20 (April 1998) Kazuyuki Ito: Sun Worship and Heliocentricism
(1) Abstracts in English and in Japanese
(2) Full Text
New Students
Our Activities in 1997
No. 21 (August 1998) 1. News from Our Lab, S. Uchii
2. "The Social Responsibility of the Scientist" (Abstract, July 29, the Summer School for young astronomers), S. Uchii
3. "Utility and Preferences" (Abstract for a symposium on J. S. Mill, The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought), S. Uchii
No. 22 (December 3, 1998) Soshichi Uchii: Bibliographical Notes on the Philosophy of Space and Time
No. 23 (February 1, 1999) The Master's Theses and the Graduation Theses of this Year
No. 24 (March 29, 1999) Daisuke Kaida: Van Fraassen's Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
(English abstract and Japanese text)
English abstract
No. 25 (May 6, 1999) 1. Soshichi Uchii, Biographies of Michael Faraday
2. Our Avtivities in '98
Book review
No. 26 (June 8, 1999) Soshichi Uchii, Book Review: Albert E. Moyer, Joseph Henry: The Rise of an American Scientist, Smithonian Institution Press, 1997. English
Book review
No. 27 (August 4, 1999) Soshichi Uchii, Book Review: Glenn T. Seaborg, A Chemist in the White House, American Chemical Society, 1998. English
Book review
No. 28 (September 14, 1999) Soshichi Uchii, Book Review: Jinzaburo Takagi, Towards the Citizen's Science, Asahi Shinbunsha, 1999. Book review
No. 29 (October 4, 1999) Soshichi Uchii, Book Review: Martin Harwit, (Japanese translation of) An Exhibit Denied: Lobbying the History of Enola Gay, Misuzu shobo, 1997. Book review
No. 30 (January 21, 2000) Soshichi Uchii, Book Review: A. Desmond and J. Moore, (Japanese translation of) Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist, Kosaku-sha, 1999. Commemorating the 30th issue, (1)-(7) completed, Feb. 14
No. 31 (February 3, 2000) The Graduation Theses and Master's Thesis of This Year
No. 32 (April 18, 2000) 1. Book Review by S. Uchii: Nagayasu Shimao, Faraday, Iwanami, March 2000 [Japanese]
2. Our Activities in 1999
Book review
No. 33 (June 8, 2000) Soshichi Uchii, “Wes and Merrilee Salmon in Kyoto University” English
No. 34 (June 29, 2000) Merrilee H. Salmon, “A Moral Dilemma for Social Scientists: How to Resolve Conflicting Duties” English
No. 35 (July 4, 2000) Wesley C. Salmon, “Causation: A Realistic Account” English
No. 36 (September 14, 2000) Book Review by Soshichi Uchii:
Highfield, R. and Carter, P., The Private Lives of Albert Einstein, 1993
and Zackheim, M., Einstein's Daughter: The Search for Lieserl, 1999.
Book review
No. 37 (November 9, 2000) Book Review by Soshichi Uchii: Ian Hacking, The Social Construction of What?, 1999. English
Book review
No. 38 (January 29, 2001) The Graduation Theses and Master's Theses, 2001
No. 39 (March 13, 2001) Kazuyuki ITO, Galileo's Mathematical Atomism
No. 40 (April 3, 2001) Soshichi Uchii , The Human Genome Project: From Nature 409 English
No. 41 (May 17, 2001) 1. Soshichi Uchii, Euler on Space and Time, Physics and Metaphysics
2. Our Activities in 2000
No. 42 (July 10, 2001) Book Review by Soshichi Uchii: The End of Time, or the Beginning of the New Machianism? The End of Time by Julian Barbour English
Book review
No. 43 (October 16, 2001) Book Review by Soshichi Uchii: The Discovery of Dynamics by Julian Barbour English
Book review
No. 44 (February 5, 2002)
(corrected Feb. 8)
The Graduation Theses and Master's Theses, 2002
No. 45 (March 25, 2002) Soshichi Uchii, Pittsburgh Revisited, and Other Remarks
No. 46 (July 11, 2002) Soshichi Uchii, “What Do Darwin and Einstein Have in Common?”
Our Activities in 2001
No. 47 (November 1, 2002) Kazuyuki Ito, Abstract of “Galileo's Mathematical Theory of Motion” (Doctrate Thesis)
No. 48 (December 5, 2002) Soshichi Uchii, “Darwin's Demon”
No. 49 (February 4, 2003) The Graduation Theses and Master's Theses, 2003
No. 50 (March 11, 2003) 10th Anniversary Special Issue (12 essays)
No. 51 (June 24, 2003) Soshichi Uchii, “Recent Studies on the Soviet Nuclear Project”
Our Activities in 2002
Book review
No. 52 (July 22, 2003) Soshichi Uchii, “Edward Teller's Memoirs English
Book review
No. 53 (January 16, 2004) Book Review by Soshichi Uchii: Alice Row Burks, Who Invented the Computer? English
Book review
No. 54 (February 3, 2004) Book Review by Soshichi Uchii: Randal Keynes, Annie's Box: Charles Darwin, His Daughter and Human Evolution English
Book review
No. 55 (June 17, 2004) 1. Cracow Revisited: 5th Quadrennial International Fellows Conference, by Soshichi Uchii
2. Our Activities, 2003
No. 56 (November 5, 2004) Soshichi Uchii, “Einstein and the Philosophy of Space and Time”
No. 57 (February 2, 2005) Soshichi Uchii, Theses 2005, and How to Write a Thesis
No. 58 (June 21, 2005) Book review by Soshichi Uchii: Brian Greene, The Fabric of the Cosmos,
and Lee Smolin, Three Roads to Quantum Gravity
Book review
No. 59 (September 9, 2005) The Riddle of Space and Time, by Soshichi Uchii
No. 60 (January 23, 2006) How should we read the Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence, by Soshichi Uchii

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